Reconnaissance Blind Chess

NeurIPS 2021 Tournament

Finished 9180/9180 games

Rankings (Elo)

* All bots are considered for rankings, but bots by authors associated with the host institutions are not considered for monetary prizes. This includes bots written by past or present employees of JHU/APL.

Cross Table

Results listed as Wins - Losses - Draws.

Overall Fianchetto StrangeFish2 penumbra Kevin Oracle Gnash Marmot DynamicEntropy wbernar5 Frampt GarrisonNRL trout callumcanavan attacker URChIn armandli random ai_games_cvi
Fianchetto 931-89 41-19 40-20 40-20 51-9 49-11 56-4 59-1 58-2 59-1 59-1 59-1 60-0 60-0 60-0 60-0 60-0 60-0
StrangeFish2 876-144 19-41 46-14 30-30 44-16 40-20 57-3 55-5 56-4 59-1 57-3 55-5 59-1 59-1 60-0 60-0 60-0 60-0
penumbra 823-197 20-40 14-46 32-28 44-16 36-24 57-3 46-14 56-4 55-5 58-2 57-3 56-4 58-2 58-2 58-2 58-2 60-0
Kevin 793-227 20-40 30-30 28-32 43-17 49-11 51-9 49-11 50-10 48-12 47-13 52-8 50-10 54-6 55-5 54-6 55-5 58-2
Oracle 760-260 9-51 16-44 16-44 17-43 29-31 56-4 53-7 58-2 56-4 52-8 52-8 58-2 54-6 58-2 58-2 58-2 60-0
Gnash 719-301 11-49 20-40 24-36 11-49 31-29 47-13 49-11 52-8 43-17 50-10 54-6 49-11 54-6 50-10 58-2 58-2 58-2
Marmot 595-425 4-56 3-57 3-57 9-51 4-56 13-47 34-26 45-15 38-22 53-7 47-13 50-10 55-5 57-3 60-0 60-0 60-0
DynamicEntropy 580-440 1-59 5-55 14-46 11-49 7-53 11-49 26-34 42-18 37-23 53-7 43-17 58-2 45-15 55-5 59-1 57-3 56-4
wbernar5 505-515 2-58 4-56 4-56 10-50 2-58 8-52 15-45 18-42 14-46 49-11 49-11 44-16 52-8 57-3 60-0 57-3 60-0
Frampt 495-525 1-59 1-59 5-55 12-48 4-56 17-43 22-38 23-37 46-14 30-30 40-20 48-12 15-45 56-4 59-1 56-4 60-0
GarrisonNRL 432-588 1-59 3-57 2-58 13-47 8-52 10-50 7-53 7-53 11-49 30-30 35-25 42-18 31-29 56-4 60-0 56-4 60-0
trout 420-600 1-59 5-55 3-57 8-52 8-52 6-54 13-47 17-43 11-49 20-40 25-35 44-16 42-18 46-14 53-7 58-2 60-0
callumcanavan 367-653 0-60 1-59 4-56 10-50 2-58 11-49 10-50 2-58 16-44 12-48 18-42 16-44 45-15 41-19 60-0 59-1 60-0
attacker 352-668 0-60 1-59 2-58 6-54 6-54 6-54 5-55 15-45 8-52 45-15 29-31 18-42 15-45 43-17 40-20 53-7 60-0
URChIn 208-812 0-60 0-60 2-58 5-55 2-58 10-50 3-57 5-55 3-57 4-56 4-56 14-46 19-41 17-43 28-32 35-25 57-3
armandli 163-857 0-60 0-60 2-58 6-54 2-58 2-58 0-60 1-59 0-60 1-59 0-60 7-53 0-60 20-40 32-28 30-30 60-0
random 150-870 0-60 0-60 2-58 5-55 2-58 2-58 0-60 3-57 3-57 4-56 4-56 2-58 1-59 7-53 25-35 30-30 60-0
ai_games_cvi 11-1009 0-60 0-60 0-60 2-58 0-60 2-58 0-60 4-56 0-60 0-60 0-60 0-60 0-60 0-60 3-57 0-60 0-60


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